Sources |
- [S235] Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Place: Massachusetts; Year: 1620; Page Number: 168.
- [S664] Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775.
- [S232] The Doty-Doten family in America : descendants of Edward Doty, an emig rant by the Mayflower, p.269.
- [S134] Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-33, (Edward Doty - Mayflower Ancestor).
EDWARD DOTY ORIGIN: Unknown MIGRATION: 1620 on Mayflower FIRST RESI DENCE: Plymouth OCCUPATION: Planter [PCR 2:44, 69]. FREEMAN: In th e "1633" Plymouth list of freemen, ahead of those admitted o n 1 January 1632/3 [PCR 1:3]. In the Plymouth section of the list of 1 639 [PCR 8:174]. EDUCATION: Signed his deeds by mark. OFFICES: In Pl ymouth section of 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms [ PCR 8:187]. ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of land there are t wo consecutive entries for "Edward [blank]," granted one acr e; one of these must be for Edward Doty [PCR 12:4]. In the 1627 Plymou th division of cattle "Edward Dolton" was the eleventh perso n in the fourth company [PCR 12:10]. Assessed £1 7s. in the Plymou th tax list of 25 March 1633, and 18s. in the list of 27 March 1634 [P CR 1:10, 27]. On 12 July 1637, "Edward Dotey" sold for £ 150 to Richard Derby "all those his messuages, houses and tenemen ts at the High Cliff or Skeart Hill together with the four lots of lan ds and three other acres purchased of Josuah Pratt, Phineas Pratt an d John Shawe," with an exclusion of an inner chamber in the " ;chief messuage ... wherein the said Edward Dotey layeth his corn" ; and that Doty would keep possession of the other house and three lot s until he received all the £150 and reaped the crop of corn. If Richa rd Derby failed to return from old England or failed to have the £15 0 paid by harvest time, Doty could sow another crop and reap it unti l Derby returned or paid [PCR 12:20-21]. Apparently Derby settled fo r the single lot and paid £22 [PCR 12:46]. On 16 September 1641, E dward Doty was granted a forty acre parcell of upland at Lakenham [PC R 2:26]. On 7 May 1642 "Edward Dotey" purchased one acre o f upland at High Cliff from Joshua Pratt [PCR 12:81]. On 5 May 1643 &q uot;Edward Dotey" sold two lots totalling forty acres of upland t o Stephen Bryan and John Shaw Jr. [PCR 12:91]. On a list entitled &quo t;Names of the Purchasers" probably dated after 26 December 1651 , Edward Doty is twenty-first of fifty-eight [PCR 2:177]. In his w ill, dated 20 May 1655 and proved 5 March 1655/6, Edward Doty Senior o f Plymouth "being sick" bequeathed "my purchase land ly ing at Coaksett unto my sons; my son Edward I give a double portion an d to the rest of my sons equal alike," only to "my wife I le ave a third during her life then after to return to my sons"; t o "my loving wife ... my house and lands and meadows within the p recincts of New Plymouth"; "my share of land at Punckquetes t if it come to anything I give it unto my son Edward"; on 5 Marc h 1655/6 "Faith the wife of Edward Dotten deceased" relinqui shed to her sons her right in lands at Coaksett [MD 3:87-88, citing PC PR 2:1:14]. The inventory of "Edward Dotten lately deceased,& quot; taken 21 November 1655, totalled £137 19s. 6d., of which £60 wa s real estate: "his dwelling house and his land adjoining," ; £25; "threescore acres of upland with the meadow adjoining to i t lying in the woods," £10; "the land at Clarkes Iland," ; £5; and "the purchase land lying at Coakset," £20 [MD 3:88 -89, citing PCPR 2:1:15-16]. In her will, dated 12 December 1675 a nd proved 8 June 1676, "Faith Phillips the wife of John Phillipes " of Marshfield "though weak in body" bequeathed to &qu ot;my daughter Mary" £9 in "my son John's hands" ; to "my daughter Elizabeth £6"; to "my daughter Mary £ 3 due by bill of sale"; to "my daughter Desire £6 due by m y bill of sale and a warming pan." On 4 November 1676 letters o f administration were granted to "John Rouse Junior of Marshfiel d ... in the behalf of himself his wife and sisters: viz: Desire [torn ] and Mary Doten" [MD 3:89-90, citing PCPR 3:2:12]. BIRTH: By ab out 1599 (he was a servant on his arrival, but as he fought a duel wit hin months of landing at Plymouth, he was more likely close to the en d of his servitude rather than the beginning; he signed the Mayflowe r Compact, probably as an adult). DEATH: Plymouth 23 August 1655 [PC R 8:17]. MARRIAGE: (1) Before 1635 _____ _____; not seen in any recor d. Her existence is implied only by Bradford's comment that Edwar d had "a second wife" (see COMMENTS below). (2) Plymout h 6 January 1634/5 "Fayth Clarke" [PCR 1:32], daughter of Th urston Clarke; she m. (2) Plymouth 14 March 1666[/7] John Phillips [PC R 4:163-64, 8:31; MD 18:56]; she was buried at Marshfield 21 Decembe r 1675 [MarVR 9]. CHILDREN: With second wife i EDWARD, b . say 1636 (eldest son in father's will); m. Plymouth 26 Februar y 1662[/3] Sarah Faunce [PCR 8:23], daughter of JOHN FAUNCE. i i JOHN, b. say 1638; m. (1) by 1668 Elizabeth Cooke (eldest child b . Plymouth 24 August 1668 [PVR 5]), daughter of Jacob Cooke; m. (2) Pl ymouth 22 November 1694 Sarah Jones [MD 26:37], daughter of Joseph an d Patience (Little) Jones [MFIP Doty 7-9; MFIP Cooke 11, 13]. ii i THOMAS, b. say 1640; m. by 1675 Mary Churchill (by whom he had ha d an illegitimate child in 1672), daughter of John Churchill She m. (2 ) 8 February 1687/8 Henry Churchill, of unknown parentage [TAG 36:1-7 , 71:114-20]. iv SAMUEL, b. say 1642; m. Piscataway, New Jersey , 13 November 1678 Jeane Harman [Proceedings of the New Jersey Histori cal Society, New Series, 4:34] (by license dated 24 October 1678 Jean e Harman, both parties of Piscataway, New Jersey [East Jersey Deeds 3: 149; GMNJ 43:49]). v DESIRE, b. say 1645 (d. Marshfield 22 Janu ary 1731, aged eighty-six years [MarVR 409]); m. (1) Marshfield 25 Dec ember 1667 William Sherman [MarVR 10]; m. (2) Marshfield 24 November 1 681 Israel Holmes [MarVR 16]; m. (3) by 1689 as his second wife Alexan der Standish, son of MYLES STANDISH [MD 12:48-52]. vi ELIZABETH , b. say 1646; m. Marshfield 13 January 1674[/5] John Rowse [MarVR 8] . vii ISAAC, b. Plymouth 8 February 1647/8 [PCR 8:5]; m. by abo ut 1673 Elizabeth England (in his will of 11 January 1684[/5] Hugh Par sons of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, who had married Elizabeth, the wido w of William England, bequeathed to "my wife's two daughters , living on Long Island, viz: Susannah Carpenter and Elizabeth Doty&qu ot; [Austin 144]). viii JOSEPH, b. Plymouth 30 April 1651 [PC R 8:12]; accused of fathering her child by Elizabeth Warren 27 Octobe r 1674 [PCR 5:156]; m. about summer, 1674 Deborah Ellis (late enough t o have conceived a child with her b. 22 February 1674/5 but not so soo n as to have committed adultery to conceive a child with Elizabeth War ren still unborn 27 October 1674 [TAG 36:9-11]); m. (2) Rochester 5 Ma rch 1711/2 Sarah Edwards, widow [TAG 64:152-54]. ix MARY, b. sa y 1653; m. after 10 July 1677 Samuel Hatch [PCR 5:239; MD 5:111-13, ci ting PCLR 4:345 and PLR 25:120; TAG 36:7-8]
- [S133] Mayflower Births & Deaths, Vol. I, (Edward Doty). pg.413.