Sources |
- [S533] U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865.
- [S300] Indiana Marriages to 1850.
- [S488] U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907.
- [S63] 1860 U.S. Census, Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 684; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 803282.
- [S62] 1850 U.S. Census, Year: 1850; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M432_161; Page: 234B; Image: 37.
- [S359] Indiana, Wills and Probate Records, 1798-1999, Will Records, 1818-1924; Author: Indiana. Circuit Court (Monroe County); Probate Place: Monroe, Indiana.
In the name of Benevolent Father of All, I, Jonathan Jefferson Hinkl e of Monroe County, Indiana, do publish this my last will and testamen t.
I desire that all my just debts, together will all my funeral expenses , be first paid.
I give and devise to my beloved wife, Catharine, in lieu of her intere st in my estate, the home place, the 40 acres on which the house is si tuated during her natural life, and all the stock and household good s and other goods and chattels that may be thereon at the time of my d ecease during her natural life as aforesaid.
At the death of my said wife the real estate and personal property afo resaid I give and devise to my sons: Jonathan M. Hinkle, John H. Hinkl e, James M. Hinkle and share and share alike.
I give and devise to Nancy J. Hinkle, wife of my son, William H., an d Hugh Hinkle, Jonathan M. Hinkle, Maude Hinkle, children of said Will iam and Nancy J. Hinkle, the following real estate, to wit: in Monro e County, Indiana, beginning at the northwest corner of the southwes t quarter of Section twenty seven (27), town nine (9) north, range on e (1) west running east eighty (80) rods and thence north sixty (60) r ods to the place of the beginning, containing 30 acres more or less ex cept forty-two (42) rods heretofore deeded by Francis McKinley and wif e for a school house lot, in lieu of any interest in my estate to my s on William J. Hinkle, and he is to have no further interest in my esta te.
I give and devise to Mary Catharine Hinkle, wife of my son Isaac Hinkl e, and Nettie Belle Hinkle, Johnnie Hinkle, Flora Hinkle, children o f Isaac and Catharine Hinkle, the following real estate situate in Mon roe County, Indiana, to wit: the west half of the northwest quarter o f section twenty six (26), town nine (9) north, range one (1) west., a lso five acres out of the northeast corner of the east half of the nor theast quarter of section twenty seven (27), township nine (9) north , range one (1) west, in lieu of any interest in my estate to my son I saac Hinkle and he is to have no further interest in my estate.
I devised and bequeath to my dearly beloved daughters Delila Paul, Eli zabeth McElroy, Mary Paul, Maggie Kerr, and to my grandchildren Fanni e C. and Mary Vannoy, and my daughter Catharine Payne, all the notes a nd accounts that I may have at my death, share and share alike excepti ng Fannie and Mary Vannoy who take one share jointly. I devise and giv e the balance and residue of my real estate to my sons, Jonathan M. Hi nkle, John H. Hinkle and James M. Hinkle, share and share alike.
I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved son Jonathan M. Hinkle exe cutor of this my last will and testament.
Jonathan J. (his mark) Hinkle
Attest: Robert Miers
Signed and acknowledged by said Jonathan J. Hinkle as his last will an d testament in our present and signed by us in his presence this Septe mber 30, 1880. H. D. Headley and J. H. Gray
Will admitted to probate July 1, 1882.
- [S298] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current.
- [S67] 1880 U.S. Census, Year: 1880; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: 299; Family History Film: 1254299; Page: 56D; Enumeration District: 281; Image: 0270.
- [S125] U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles.
- [S23] 1840 U.S. Census, Year: 1840; Census Place: Monroe, Indiana; Roll: 99; Page: 58; Image: 126; Family History Library Film: 0007732.
- [S536] Obituary - Jonathan Jefferson Hinkle, pg 4.
( Bloomington (Indiana) Saturday Courier, July 15, 1882, p. 4.)
Jonathan J. Hinkle was born in Lincoln County, North Carolina, March 6 th, 1802, and at the age of 10 years he came to Clark County, Indiana , where he remained three years and then came to Bloomington, Monroe C ounty, Indiana.
After serving an apprenticeship with Mr. Austin Seward at the blacksmi th business, he went into the woods and paid for the farm on which h e has since lived and where he died June 23, 1882. On Sept. 26th, 1830 , he was married to Miss Catharine Lentz who still survives him. The y raised a family of 11 children, 10 of whom are still living, and nea rly all of them were present at his funeral that was held at Bethel Ch urch four miles northeast of Bloomington on Sunday, June 25, at 1 o'cl ock.
Mr. Hinkle was a strictly honest man, quiet and peaceable with his nei ghbors and a man of great industry and, therefore, succeeded in procur ing a good portion of this world's goods that he wisely distributed am ong his children.
Before his departure, he called his children around him and gave the m his parting advice and benediction, told them that he had worked an d toiled long enough on this earth and he was ready to go and was goin g to a better land.